LILAC report: Welsh Information Literacy #lilac11

I hope this is a return to blogging as usual at the LILAC (Information Literacy) conference 18-20 April 2011 in London, UK. I'm in: Welsh Information Literacy Project: our first steps to an information literate nation presented by Cathie Jackson and Joy Head. I have blogged about this before, including the great news that they have second phase funding. Cathie talked about the background of the project, and Joy went on to talk about phase one of the project. The website is in Welsh and English and is at and includes case studies from various sectors. They produced a printed booklet including the case studies (health literacy, rehabilitation in prisons, employability, as well as formal education) to target key decision makers and make it clear why information is important for Wales. The final objective of phase one of the project was producing a draft information literacy fromaework for Wales. I blogged about that here (it is still in the consultation phase).
Phase 2 (just starting) consists of: further development of the framework, advocacy bank of material on IL for schools and colleges, creating accredited units of learnung at levels 1 and 2, analysis of IL in the employability agenda and involvement in digital inclusion "first click" initaitives.
Cathie identified that key factors for success were: collaboration and feeling of ownership (e.g. the representatives of the Welsh Assemby government being really involved), linking to current frameworks for learning (e.g. they found that you couldn't use the word "evaluate" until a certain educational level, to fit with the frameworks) and gathering evidence and selling the benefits. The illustartion shows a promotional postcard.
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