Recent articles from JAL

Luo, L. (2010) "Web 2.0 Integration in Information Literacy Instruction: An Overview" Journal of academic librarianship, 36 (1), 32-40. "Survey and semi-structured interviews were conducted in this study to examine the adoption of the Web 2.0 technology in information literacy instruction. Findings suggest that librarians use Web 2.0 tools in three different levels, and overall it has a positive impact on teaching and learning" The 3 levels were: using them themselves, using them to deliver material, and a more interactive level.

Pinto, M., Fernández-Marcial, V., and Gómez-Camarero, C. (2010) "The Impact of Information Behavior in Academic Library Service Quality: A Case Study of the Science and Technology Area in Spain Pages" Journal of academic librarianship, 36 (1), 70-78. "This research explores the extent of service quality in Spanish university science and technology libraries, based on the expectations and perceptions of their users: faculty and researchers. Users' information behavior is analyzed with the specially designed BiQual tool, which reveals specific needs such as the greater importance of electronic collections and improved electronic access."
Photo by Sheila Webber: Howth, sunlight/shadow, January 2010
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